Ubuntu Touch Custom Device Bootlogos

- 5 mins



#include <std_disclaimer.h>

 * Your warranty is now void.
 * I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
 * thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
 * do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
 * before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
 * you point the finger at us for messing up your device, we will laugh at you.
 * Use at your Own Risk.

What are bootlogos? — Bootlogos that bright vendor logo that sometimes almost blind you in the dark, yeah that thing.

This Logos has design contributed by Kaizen Kaizen

OnePlus One OnePlus One 3/3T
Foo Foo
Nexus 5 Fairphone 2
Foo Foo
Bq E5 BQ E4.5 BQ U Plus
Foo Foo Foo
Foo Foo
Meizu MX4 Volla Phone
Foo Foo
Xiaomi Redmi 4X Xiaomi Mi A2
Foo Foo
OnePlus One 2 F(x)tec Pro¹
Foo Foo
Redmi Note 7 Fairphone 3/3+
Foo Foo

Nexus 5

How to flash:

Fairphone 2

How to flash:

Meizu MX4

How to flash:

BQ E4.5

How to flash


How to flash


How to flash


How to flash

OnePlus One

How to flash

OnePlus One 2

How to flash

OnePlus One 3/3T

How to flash

Volla Phone

How to flash

Bq Aquaris U Plus

How to flash

Xiaomi Redmi 4X

How to flash

Xiaomi Mi A2

How to flash

F(x)tec Pro¹

How to flash

Redmi Note 7

How to flash

Fairphone 3/3+

How to flash

You can report issues at: Github

As an independent porter i get no income for this, i do it for pleasure and for the community, it takes time,research and a lot of patience so if you can donate. Also follow my channel on youtube a give a like they are only a few videos but maybe i can make more in time.

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Rúben Carneiro

Rúben Carneiro

Just love tech, most of all Linux!